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Belden’s Best Network Technology Blogs of 2018 (According to You)

Ron Tellas

As 2018 comes to a close, a good way to wind down is to look at the topics and conversations that were most important in our industry over the last 12 months when it comes to cable, connectivity, smart buildings and network technology.

We analyzed the most popular Belden blogs of 2018 based on readership and performance; we’re sharing them here in case you missed them the first time around (or need a refresher).

Most-Read Network Technology Blogs Published in 2018


Wie groß ist die tatsächliche Entfernungsbegrenzung für Cat 6A-Kabel (und warum ist sie wichtig)?

Investing in just any Category 6A cabling system ensure that you're going to get what's being promised in terms of performance and/or distance. This blog, published in May 2018, explains the factors that negatively impact the Category 6A cable distance limit - and what to look for when you need a cable that goes the distance and lives up to its promises.


The Latest on the New HDMI Standard: HDMI 2.1

When HDMI 2.1 was announced in late 2017, it brought with it new capabilities - including a major bandwidth increase. It was common to hear the question, "Do I need to buy new HDMI cables?" This blog has the answer! It also walks you through the most prominent HDMI standards throughout the last 16 years, including what they introduced to the industry.


OSI Sieben-Schichten-Modell: Wo fügt sich Schicht 0 ein?

Most ICT professionals are familiar with the OSI seven-layer model. In this blog, however, we point out one important component that seems to be missing from that model: cabling infrastructure. Although some industry professionals believe that "layer 1" in the seven-layer model addresses cabling and connectivity, we disagree. This blog explains why. (This topic also generated some interesting comments from readers.)


Most-Read Network Technology Blogs Ever

These blogs were published before 2018, but they make up our current list of top most-read Belden blogs since the first post went live in 2012.


11 Arten von Netzwerken erklärt:
VPN, LAN und mehr

This isn't the first time this blog has made our annual round-up list: It's our most-read blog of all time! It features a handy reference guide that simply explains the different types of networks in use today and how/where they're used. Brief, straightforward definitions of PANs, LANs, WLANs, CANs, MANs, WANs, SANs, POLANs, EPNs and VPNs can be found here!


STP, UTP, FTP Cable & More: 7 Types & When to Use Them!

Similar to the blog showcased above, this topic is also popular with our readers and continues to be one of our most-read blogs. Many different acronyms are used to describe shielded cables, but most of them have different meanings. It's important not to mix them up, so this blog clears up misconceptions and provides basic information about each style of shielded cable.


3 Reasons Why Power over Ethernet Demands CAT 6A Cable

When it comes to Power over Ethernet (PoE) applications, Category 6A cabling offers several benefits over Category 5e and Category 6 cabling. Reasons to deploy Category 6A cable in PoE applications are outlined here, including a larger-gauge diameter, less power loss and the ability to tightly pack cables.


PoE Types: What They Mean and How They’re Used

There are different types of PoE technologies, each used for different applications to support specific kinds of devices. This blog offers a good overview of the four PoE types and where they're used. It also maps out other "names" that these PoE types may go by. (For example, PoE Type 3 is sometimes called "4P PoE," "4-pair PoE" or "PoE++").


13 Common BNC Connector Installation Mistakes

Bad installation habits can lead to having to re-terminate connectors, increasing labor time and scrap costs. Even in cases where the connection technically works using one of these "bad habits," the mistake may still negatively affect system performance. Here we talk you through the most common BNC connector installation pitfalls and how avoid them so your installations are more reliable.